Purpose in the Waiting Season
What is my purpose here?
A question many of us ask in various seasons we go through. Even if you’ve never moved to another country, I’m sure this thought has pierced your mind at some point.
When I first came to Ghana and this school, I was sure I knew my purpose. God had orchestrated me getting here in such an amazing way, how could I ever question my being here? Now, 8 years later, I find myself questioning my purpose here. Not because anything has really changed, but because nothing has changed. Though I’ve stayed eight years, the fruit hasn’t always shown up the way I pictured it would. In teaching especially, it’s hard to ever see the fruit of one’s labors. Do my students understand? Are there seeds of salvation planted in them? Will they grow up to be men and women who love the Lord? When the fruit delays, or doesn’t seem to come at all, the questions come. Am I doing enough? What is my purpose here? Why bother staying? Would it be better to move on to something else?
A friend and I were getting coffee, and I started confessing my jaded apathy towards staying. I named it the “seven year itch”, though for me I guess it’s the eight year itch. My friend, who’s been here a lot longer than I have, reminded me that comparing is often the root of such questions. It’s hard to be content when you’re always comparing, isn’t it? It’s hard to live in your purpose when you compare. In our insta-saturated world, full of influencers and people wanting to “change the world”, it’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison game. I’ve been guilty myself of glorifying those whose profiles look like they’re changing the world, comparing my small successes with their seemingly big ones, questioning my effectiveness where I am. When I do this, I’m forgetting the God who brings massive trees out of simple seeds.
And He said, “How shall we picture the kingdom of God, or by what parable shall we present it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the soil, though it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil, yet when it is sown, it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the birds of the air can nest under its shade.” Mark 4:30-32
The God who often takes a seemingly insignificant person and uses them for His glory. I’m also forgetting the rules of seasons when I compare. Sometimes it takes years for fruit to grow, and other times only days. Sometimes we get our prayers answered quickly, while other times the waiting tarries. Whatever season you find yourself in, may you experience the goodness of God and the joy of waiting faithfully.
For me, sometimes I question if my purpose has delayed as I wait to be a mom. But that’s me believing a society that says only couples with children are blessed. That’s not God’s message. You may be struggling with waiting for a spouse or a promotion or a child, tempted to believe your purpose is waiting for you on the other side. But that’s not God’s way. We serve a God who uses the waiting process. Like Joseph was used to interpret dreams while he waited in prison. Like Ruth was used to comfort her mother in law while waiting in the season of mourning. Like David was used to slay Israel’s enemy while waiting to be king. And like Jesus was used to heal countless people both physically and emotionally, while waiting to save all of humanity. Jesus could’ve easily fast-forwarded to the end game of deliverance, but He chose to go through the process of waiting. He never lost sight of His purpose in that waiting though.
You can see my promise even in the winter‘ Cause You’re the God of greatness even in a manger For all I know of seasons is that You take Your time You could have saved us in a second instead You sent a child “Seasons” by Hillsong
So as we wait, let’s press on, enduring our waiting seasons, holding on to the purpose that God has created us for. Let’s continue to trust that God’s plan is perfect, and so is His timing. Let’s remember that nothing in the process is ever wasted, and often it’s in the process that God will use us for His purposes.
What season of waiting do you find yourself in currently? Are you tempted to question your purpose as you wait? What encouragement do you have for others who are waiting?
